01 Jul 51+ Happy Journey Quotes [Images, Tips, and FREE eBook]
Here is our list of happy journey quotes and images to help send friends and family off with. We’ve created a list of fun farewell ideas and reflections to help with the departure. Saying goodbye isn’t always easy, and this list is meant to help you find the perfect words to express your feelings. Wish your friends a wonderful trip with these sentiments!
“Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Happy Journey Quotes to Wish Someone a Wonderful Trip
1. “Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien
Make a farewell speech:
Send your friends off on a good note by delivering a heartfelt journey speech. Recount all of the good times and memorable moments while send your friend off on a great trip with some happy journey thoughts. It doesn’t have to be long or extravagant – just something short and meaningful will be plenty.
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2. “We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls.” – Anaïs Nin
Make a mix-tape for they journey:
If your friend is heading off for a trip, make them a fun mix tape to listen to. This way they can remember the good times you’ve had whole enjoying some fun times that are filled with memories.
3. “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” – Heraclitus
Happy journey quote reflection:
No two trips are ever the same. Not only is the environment and situations unique but who we currently are in our lives also changes. Hopefully this means that we’re more mature and can handle the journey with more grace.
4. “The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday.” – Steve Maraboli
Journey quote reflection:
Letting go of the past is hard. Whether it’s happy memories or sad ones, we’re often unable to let go of those thoughts that bind us. Sometimes it’s necessary to let go of the chains that bind us to move forward. Give your friends support in letting go if they are about to embark on a new journey.
5. “Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost.” – Erol Ozan
Get lost on purpose:
It goes without saying that you should be in a relatively safe area; but free yourself on an adventure in to the unknown. Turn off your GPS momentarily and get lost on purpose. With a little bit of luck, you’ll find new paths and wonderful destinations.
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6. “A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it.” – John Steinbeck
Thoughts on this journey quote:
While most people coming onto the thought that they have control of their lives, most factors are clearly beyond any human control. Attempting to control something that is uncontrollable is a way to fail for sure. Embrace the fact that life is a little random and just enjoy this unpredictable journey.
7. “One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.” – André Gide
Tell your friends they’re always welcome back:
Let your friends journey off from the show with some security. True friendships last forever and can survive the distance. Wish your friends the best of travels but let them know coming back is a viable option.
8. “Your past mistakes are meant to guide you, not define you.” – Ziad K. Abdelnour
Journey forward:
Don’t let past mistakes cripple you it your friends. Learn from the mistakes of past experiences and move towards a brighter path. Forgive part grievances and hope for a better tomorrow.
9. “Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tiptoe if you must, but take a step.” – Naeem Callaway
Start small:
Sometimes parting on a new journey can feel like such a daunting task that people are too afraid to even begin. If your friend is contemplation moving to another city, then maybe advise that they take a mini vacation there first before making a solid commitment. Small steps are the beginning of big journeys.
10. “To travel is to take a journey into yourself.” – Danny Kaye
Pack them a goodbye meal:
Make a small to-go meal for your friends as they part. This will save them a stop for food on their trip towards a new destination. Something easy to eat on the road would be ideal.
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11. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” – Lao Tzu
Buy them a gift card to a restaurant at their new location:
Do a little research and get a gift card to a local restaurant at your friends new location. They’re sure to be hungry after a long trip and will be happy to eat out. Hopefully they will also appreciate the thought that went into learning about their local establishments.
12. “Success is a journey, not a destination.” – Ben Sweetland
Enjoy the ride:
If you’re stuck one too many days dreading the “work” or sacrifice to get to your destination then perhaps you’re in the wing path altogether. Make sure you’re happy in the journey and learn to adjust if you realized you’re not content.
13. “Every single journey that I’ve embarked on, I’ve learned something new.” – Shailene Woodley
Learn a new language:
If your friend is leaving for another country it might be a fun exercise to try leaning a new language with them. There are plenty of free and good apps out there to help you pick up a new language efficiently. Spending time with your friend on an important matter to them, such as learning a new local language, is a great way to show you care.
14. “I am a believer in the journey and enjoying the journey.” – Uday Kotak
Send postcards:
Send postcards back and forth with your friend to stay in contact while they are in their new journey. While technology makes communication so easy now, it doesn’t replace the human touch that you get from a handwritten card.
15. “If I’m left high and dry at the end of this wild journey, just taking it is a great feeling.” – Olivia Wilde
Plan a future reunion:
Make saying goodbye to your friends easier by planning to visit at a later date. Parting ways is never easy and knowing you’ll see each other again will be very comforting.
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16. “I think it’s my adventure, my trip, my journey, and I guess my attitude is, let the chips fall where they may.” – Leonard Nimoy
Help them pack:
Moving your stuff is usually an awful experience. Help your friends out on their new house by helping them pack up all their existing stuff. This will also likely give you a chance to say farewell as they take off.
17. “Everyone is handed adversity in life. No one’s journey is easy. It’s how they handle it that makes people unique.” – Kevin Conroy
Connect them with friends:
Maybe you know someone where your friends are relocating to. If you can connect them to a few people in the city it will help them get a head start on learning the landscape and surroundings. Even better you have the chance to help connect people together.
18. “Friends are as companions on a journey, who ought to aid each other to persevere in the road to a happier life.” – Pythagoras
Send them a text on the car ride:
Send your friends a text 15 minutes after they leave on the trip to remind them that you’re thinking about them. This is a small act that will go a long way to letting them know that they are missed.
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Happy journey images to share with friends
Here are some happy thoughts and images to share with friends who may be departing on a long trip. Use them to wish your friend a safe journey because you won’t know for sure when you’ll see each other again. Furthermore, you can start them off on a happy journey with a warm goodbye.
19. An optimistic mind begins a fruitful journey.
– Tony Robbins
Sometimes we’re terrified of starting on a new journey because we’re afraid of letting go of our current, comfy situation. While there is a chance something can go wrong, we can usually return to our previous conditions. Take a chance and think of all the things that can go well and the countless opportunities we could be missing.
20. It’s not where you start but where you finish that matters.
– Nido Qubein
Where you start your journey isn’t nearly as important as where you’re going. Think carefully about your resources and try and do the best with what you’ve got. Remember that conditions are never really perfect and that the ability to adjust will help you immensely on your journey.
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21. Take opportunities as they come to you and don’t regret what you miss out on.
– Nido Qubein
We get a chance to start over everyday and learn something new, try something new, or begin something new. If we hesitate for too long, then chances are we’ll miss many of life’s opportunities and joyful moments. Here are some good morning quotes to get you off to a happy journey!
22. Dream of a beautiful journey and set out to make it happen.
– Paulo Coelho
Aim high and be lofty in your ideals. It’s often are ambition and hopes that allow us to track through hard times and achieve greatness. Some of the most innovative creations and interesting journeys being with seemingly impossible dreams.
23. Let kindness and goodwill carry you through your journey.
– Abraham Lincoln
In your journey, we hope that you remember to be grateful and caring to those around you. Be good to yourself, your journey, and those you meet on your undefined path. The universe works in mysterious ways and will hopefully return some of that karma in protecting and enlightening you through your travels.
24. It takes courage and determination to begin a new path.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
Any journey worth taking is often filled with setbacks and hardships. Take heart that many of these challenges and problems will be what makes your trip worthwhile and memorable. It’s through these trials that we often discover ourselves on our journey.
25. The journey of life is full of ups and downs. Be prepared as you travel.
– Oliver Goldsmith
Take life as it comes. There’s not much we can do to control our everyday circumstances. What we can control is how we deal with them and our own mindset.
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26. Be happy on your journey and don’t worry about getting to the finish line.
– Greg Anderson
If you dread your everyday actions in pursuit of a “dream”, then it’s probably best to re-think your goals and ambitions. Why go to school for a subject that makes you miserable? Why continue to work at a job that destroys your soul? As with many of life’s decisions, there are multiple paths and countless options. We’re not advocating you to be irresponsible and quit your job, but we’re also encouraging you to look at alternatives.
27. We all travel one life together.
– Naomi Judd
You can do anything, but you can’t do everything. Keep in mind while you have seemingly endless choices and possibilities in life, you can only choose to walk one path at a time. Be present with the moment and take full responsibility of the path you’ve chosen to pursue.
28. It’s always scary to step outside your comfort zone but don’t let that stop you.
– Jake Gyllenhaal
Change is scary. Change is still terrifying when we know that it’s a “good” change. This is likely why most lottery winners end up losing all of their winnings within a few years. Every new path is unknown and potentially dangerous. Every new path is also filled with surprise and opportunity if you approach it carefully and with an open mind.
29. Life’s a bumpy road.
– Bob Marley
Life’s tough. We think that life is full of bumps and rough patches no matter where you are or what your current situation is. Be grateful that if you’re even able to read this post that you have a computer and likely not in a war-zone or starving in a cave somewhere.
30. Just enjoy the ride.
– Anatole France
Sometimes our brains can analyze things to death, taking the joy out of life. While we love learning and breaking down things such as educating ourselves in science and technology, it’s also a good thing to just look up at the stars sometime and admire them just as they are. Find a happy balance for yourself on your journey to how much you want to “analyze” and how much you want to just “see”.
31. Take time along your journey to be present and cherish small moments.
– Shaun Hick
No one truly knows why we’re here or where we’re truly going. Sit back with some friends and family and enjoy this crazy ride called “life” for all that it’s worth.
32. How you carry yourself from day to day is more important then where you’re going.
– Yvon Chouinard
As we’ve repeated said many times throughout this post, the journey is more important than the destination. How you travel through your journey, the memories you make, the friendships you discover, the people you meet, must surely be more important the finish line.
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Safe journey quotes to wish someone well
It’s natural to always worry a bit when someone you love moves away. Be aware that people’s live often change and travel is needed as a part of that. Sometimes for job relocation, others for family situations. We always hope that if your friends move that they do it safely and towards a positive direction.
33. Have a safe trip homie!
34. Heard that you have a new opportunity and have to relocate. Wish you the best of travels and a safe flight there.
35. Wish you the very best journey that life has to offer and safe road there.
36. Come back in one piece!
37. Hope you have a blast on your journey and that you make it to your destination safely.
38. Life can be full of dangerous twists and turns. Hope you can stay steady on a sure path and be safe.
39. Have a wonderful and safe journey towards your destination.
40. Be cautious as you travel and make sure that your safety comes first.
41. Please call us back on the way to make sure that you’re safe and on route to where you’re headed.
42. You are the greatest friend in the world and I wish you a safe and happy trip.
43. Stay strong throughout your journey and make it back to us safely.
44. Remember to pack all of your essentials so that you can be prepared to deal with anything that might arise on your journey.
45. Please be careful and stay in safe areas as you embark on this new adventure.
46. Bon voyage buddy!
47. May you have all the luck and will of the universe serve as your protection on this journey.
48. Enjoy your trip but remember to keep your safety in mind first.
49. Safe travels to you and your family.
50. As much as we love you and want you to stay here. We are excited about you leaving on this journey and wish you safe travels.
51. Be safe and have fun on your new journey!
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Safe Travels and Well Wishes to You!
We wish you and your loved ones the very best on their journey. As you embark on new adventures, hardships, and victories, we hope you will take a moment to enjoy the journey and love the ride!