Always remember,




Thank you for joining us and sharing our love for quotes.

Please share & use this material however you wish to enrich your life.
We hope you are happy today ~Bb


I love quotes. 


There’s something wonderful about a “great” quote.

It can say so much with so little.

It can connect complex and contrasting cultures with simple words.

I wanted to create this collection for myself and to share with you.


I’d love to hear from everyone and the best way to reach me is through our Facebook page. I will try to reply as quickly as possible.

Please note that the quotes and images do not belong to me and I will be happy to take them down at the author/owners request. I wanted to create this site to remix images, quotes, and meanings while adding my own commentary.

Instagram: @quoteboldofficial – Direct message me or comment and I will try to reply quickly.